
Showing posts with the label CSCS Card with qualification

How to Get a CSCS Card Even if You Don't Have Qualifications?

  While leaving school with umpteenth GCSEs and A-levels is the dream for each parent for their kids, the truth is, that not every person has the academic results that they might have originally thought of. Though, not having the grades isn't the end of the world, as employers search for experience and hardworking attitude over educational scores. A school leaver or even somebody who has been in the work area for some time and is searching for a career change into the development business won't have to provide a portfolio of academic accomplishments, yet what they will require is a CSCS Card. What is a CSCS Card? The CSCS Card is a compulsory prerequisite for all building destinations in the UK. A CSCS Card shows that the cardholder has accomplished a minimum level of capability to work in the development business at holds the minimum required training. Having an appropriate CSCS card is a compulsory prerequisite for all building destinations in the UK.The card is n...